The Final Sound Mix
We are going into Day 3 of the final sound mix for Nightrunners. That’s pretty awesome all on its own. But what makes it even more...

Fostine Opiyo Odhiambo selected as Kenyan Executive Producer!
We are very pleased to announce that Fostine Opiyo Odhiambo will assume the late Mama Benta Odhiambo’s role as Executive Producer for the...
Such pretty colours… (or “colors” for our American friends) !
We at Nightrunners are celebrating Halloween with our final day of colour correct. On this spooky day, we will be putting the finishing...
Lucky for us, editor Elyse Saley has joined the Nightrunners team. Read her bio here!
Elyse has over eight years of experience in the television industry in Toronto. Working her way up from assistant editor to editor, she...

We’re updating the Crew bios
We’ve started updating the Crew Bios section with all of our Kenyan team members. Mama Esther, Ibrahim and Gilbert have been added. ...

Knee Deep in Post-Production
You haven’t heard from us for a while. We’re sorry! But the good news is that (since we’ve been locked in a dark room for several...

By popular demand, here’s another shot of Neville.
Neville Misati, our male lead in Nightrunners, is heading for big things. He’s one of Kenya’s top young actors: talented, driven and an...

Flashing back to Day One!
Flashing back to Day One on the Nightrunners set on location in the fishing village of Rusinga Island. Look at those fresh faces. Just...

Who needs generators?? Not us.
Another challenge while filming in rural Kenya: a power source. Most homes and businesses on Rusinga Island still don’t have electricity....

Learning how to check for pupil dilation.
While we didn’t have budget for key positions like Art Director, Script Supervisor, Hair, Makeup or an AD department, we DID have our...